
Parking Permit Review

Date of Meeting:

19 January 2021

Report of:

Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture

Contact Officer:


Jenny Mitchell

Peter Turner


01273 295518



Ward(s) affected:

(All Wards);







1.1         This report provides members of this Committee recommendations for changes to the operation of various parking permits throughout the city.


1.2         Following the previous recommendations approved by Committee on 21 January 2020 and 24 November 2020 (Appendix B) ; further progress to the parking permit review has taken place and as a result, further recommendations are being presented to this Committee.


2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1         That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A.


·         School Permit Eligibility and Permit Allocation

·         Trial Business Visitor Permits in Zone S and V

·         Hotel Permit Parking




3.1         Historically, when additional types of parking permits have been taken forward this has been in a piecemeal fashion, without considering the opportunities for modernisation and consolidation. Customers contacting the Council regularly complain about whether some of the permits are fit for purpose and give anecdotal accounts of where permits may be being abused.


3.2         Therefore, it was agreed at the Environment, Transport & Sustainable Committee on the 21 January 2020 that an operational review of parking permits takes place.


3.3         Following the report presented to this Committee on 24 November 2020, this report with links to the fees & charges for 2021/22 is coming forward to this Committee presented as a separate report.


3.4         Over the last two years, the Parking Customer Service Team and the Parking Projects Team have conducted a comprehensive review of the Parking Permit system which has spanned 2 years.


·         The first year focussed on identifying and recommending which permits were fit for purpose (no change required). This was approved by this Committee on 21 January 2020 when it was presented as an appendix. The Report also identified permits that required further investigation by taking into consideration complaints, concerns and comments made by members of the public.


·         This second year of the review has focused on modifying the identified permits that required further investigation. Part of these proposals were presented to this Committee on 24 November 2020 (Appendix B shows all the current approvals from recent Committees) and the rest of the proposals are presented today.




4.1         The main alternative option is doing nothing which would mean that no proposals would be taken forward. However, it is the recommendation of officers that these proposals are proceeded with for the reasons outlined within the report.




5.1         To develop an understanding and improve the health of people within Brighton & Hove, the Transport Projects Team distribute a yearly Workplace Survey to a range of Businesses within Brighton and Hove. By making a survey part of the eligibility process for a School Permit, this will allow schools to develop an understanding on how they are doing in implementing Active and Public Transport. By also implementing the Checklist into the eligibility process for a School permit, Schools will be encouraging active and public transport to their school staff.


5.2         It is proposed that the new changes to the School Permits is implemented in October 2021. Schools will be informed of the new eligibility requirements via a letter.


6.         CONCLUSION


6.1         Members of this Committee are being asked to approve the proposed changes laid out in Appendix A. The proposed changes have been reviewed and proposed to ensure they are fit for purpose. For example, the Hotel Permits within Zone C and Zone N will have the same parking time restrictions, ensuring consistency. Also, by discontinuing Business Visitor Permits, this will lead to consistency with other controlled parking zones in city.  The proposed changes also support the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Strategy (2020-2023) as it will help reduce emissions and congestion in Brighton and Hove by encouraging Active and Public Travel within Schools.


6.2         It is felt the recommendations should be taken forward due to the reasons outlined within the report and Appendix A




Financial Implications:


7.1         The recommendations in this report for changes to parking permits have no direct financial implications.  Any administrative costs associated with these changes will be met from existing Parking Services revenue budgets.


7.2         In the case of on-street parking permits any surplus income from civil parking enforcement, after taking into account costs, is governed by section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended. This requires the defined Parking Surplus to be used for transport and highways related projects and expenditure such as supported bus services, concessionary fares, Local Transport Plan projects and environmental improvements.  Where the council also funds transport and highways related budgets from it’s General Fund budget, increases to the Parking Surplus can be lawfully applied to this expenditure, which can thereby release equivalent General Fund resources.  The council may use the released resources for any purpose within its duties and powers, including releasing resources for savings.


            Finance Officer Consulted: Jess Laing                                        Date: 04/01/2021


Legal Implications:


7.3         Under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the Council has the power to make any provision prohibiting, restricting or regulating the use of a road or any part of the width of a road subject to such exceptions as may be specified in the order.  The Council’s powers and duties under the Highways Act 1980 and the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 must be exercised to secure the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic. The recommendations contained in this report regarding the operation of parking permits are made in accordance with the Council’s powers and duties as highway authority.   


Lawyer Consulted: Stephanie Stammers                     Date: 10 December 2020


Equalities Implications:


7.4         The review process involved considering the information provided by members of the public and the Workplace Surveys. This information and the information to be gained from the School Surveys will help to ensure that the allocation of permits will meet the individual needs of people who share a protected characteristic.  


Sustainability Implications:


7.5         None identified


Brexit Implications:


7.6         None identified







1.         Appendix A - Parking Permit Proposals for 2020/21


2.         Appendix B – Timeline of the Permit review



Background Documents

